Wheel remanufacturing is a crucial process in the automotive industry that restores old or damaged wheels to make them look and work like new again. Instead of buying brand-new wheels, remanufacturing offers a cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative.

Here’s how it works: First, the wheels are taken apart and thoroughly cleaned to remove dirt and old coatings. Then, experts inspect each part to see if anything needs fixing. They might repair cracks or bends by welding or straightening the metal. After that, the wheels are balanced to make sure they spin evenly, which is important for a smooth ride and to avoid wearing out other car parts too quickly.

The last step is making the wheels look good again. They’re painted or coated to give them a fresh appearance and protect them from rust and damage. This not only makes the wheels look nice but also helps them last longer.

Remanufacturing wheels is also good for the environment because it reduces waste and uses less energy than making new wheels from scratch. It’s a smart choice for anyone who wants to save money while still keeping their car safe and stylish.

Call us at 617-415-7109 to schedule today!